About The most common emo hair

What is most commonly implied by the term "emo" in reference to hair is dyed jet-black hair that is sloped to cover, or partially cover, one of the eyes (usually the right eye). Sometimes this is known as the "emo comb-over", because the way the emo hair sweeps from the back of the head looks like the way an old man would grow a patch of comb-over hair to hide a bald spot. The popularisation of this hairstyle is often attributed to the band Refused, whose members had uniform jet black hair sloped to partially obscure the right eye. The uniform dress code of the band has also been an influence of emo fashion — especially the fashioncore strand — in general.
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As the term "emo" has become more and more ingrained in the popular conscience, "emo hairs" have come to include a much wider array of styles. These more complex styles are largely associated with the fashioncore style of emo fashion and are most commonly sported by scene kids.
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