Pete Wentz Fashion Emo Hairstyles

Pete Wentz Fashion Emo Hairstyles
Pete Wentz Emo Hairstyles

Pete Wentz (was born on June 5th, 1979) is an American musician & primary lyricist of pop punk/emo-rock band from Chicago, Fall Out Boy. He is also well-known for his
emo look & guyliner (eyeliner for men).

Fashion Emo Hairstyles for men
Pete Wentz Emo Hairstyles
Fashion Emo Hairstyles
Pete Wentz Emo Hairstyles
His styles fit any face shape exceptround face and work best for diamond face, a face which is widest at the cheeks, narrow at the chin and forehead. The bangs help to shorten the length of the face, while the sides curve into a round shape and help make the face appear wider at the top.
Pete Wentz Emo Hairstyles
He has sported short spiky hair in the back, longer hair in the back & sides, red streaks at the front, etc.


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